The John1721 Movement is an Organic Network
Organic Networks are the most powerful organizational form in the world today.
They can react quickly and easily to changes in the environment which make them the most adaptive form of organization.
Organic Networks are a fluid and flexible network of multi-talented individuals who are able to perform a variety of tasks.
They are also able to fulfill dual roles equally in being able to follow the leadership of others or if needed they are able to step and lead. |
Centralized vs. Distributed Leadership
Most organizations gravitate to a traditional organizational structure where there is a hierarchy of leadership and decisions come down from the top or are controlled by the top.
This is a centralized leadership structure.
Organic Networks have leadership distributed throughout the organization.
This leadership is not reflected in the structure of the org chart, but this leadership arises from all over the organization because of the shared vision, passion, and values. |
The Spider and the Starfish
Taking an example from everyday life.A spider and starfish may appear similar. A main body and legs.
However beyond that visual characteristic they are completely different.
Spider – If you cut off a part of a spider, the organism dies.
Starfish – If you cut off part of a starfish, you will have two starfish. If you were to cut off a few parts of a starfish, you would have several new starfish to contend with. The organism self propagates.
The Apache Indian Tribe
The Apache Indian tribe is one of the most remarkable Organic Networks in U.S. History.
They were formidable in organization and battle.
The reason for this is that at any moment in time if an Apache Chief or Warrior was struck down there were others that stepped up into their place.
Every member of the tribe took responsibility for the tribe. |
Characteristics of Organic Networks
- No one leader
- Everyone is empowered to make decisions
- Leaders lead by example and influence, but do not have structured power
- No centralized intelligence, the intelligence is spread throughout the system
- People are more inclined to participate and fully use their gifts
- People are more apt to support one another as the community has greater “ownership” of the cause